Seducing my Best Friend (Fated Series Book 3) Read online

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  He shook his head. “No. They assume you want it all, and they bring each dish to you one at a time.”

  “But there are six things on the list. I can’t eat that much.”

  “Sure you can. The portions are smaller so you can get through each plate.”


  “I could’ve taken you to Eddie Rockets for a big dirty burger, but I’m trying to impress you, remember?”


  “Actually, the last course is really why I wanted to bring you here.”

  I looked down at the menu, letting my eyes scan to the bottom. “A medley of sorbets…” I read the flavors to myself: passion fruit, mango, pineapple, papaya, and pomegranate. “Oh my god, each one sounds more delicious than the last.”

  “Apparently the guy that makes them is some famous master sorbet maker. I figured that would be right up your alley.”

  “And how did you figure that?” I asked. “Considering you hardly know me at all?”

  He shrugged. “Just a hunch.”

  “I have to admit, I am looking forward to trying those.” I turned the menu over. “And what about drinks? I don’t see a drinks menu at all.”

  He smiled. “That’s because they’ve paired each course with a wine that will compliment it.”

  “Who’s they?”

  “I don’t know. Someone whose palate is more refined than ours.”

  I laughed. “Well that could be anyone.”

  “So true. They probably just asked some random guy in the wine aisle at the grocery store. It’ll probably be a bunch of house reds with fake, fancy names.”

  “I have to hand it to you, Aiden. I had no idea you were this classy.”

  “I’m not,” he said. “I just know people who are and sometimes it rubs off.”

  “Well, maybe some of your class will rub off on me.”

  “I hope not,” he said. “I like you just the way you are.”

  I pursed my lips. I was beyond confused. Every time I let my guard down, I found myself having a good time and thinking it was the best date I’d ever been on.

  Of course, it wasn’t really a date. Not in the technical, going out with someone new sense. I mean, Aiden wasn’t new. This side of him was, but there was nothing out of the ordinary about feeling at ease with him.

  But what we were doing was so out of the ordinary. I mean, he was clearly trying to impress me, as if I was a woman he was attracted to, a woman he wanted more than gentle teasing and genuine encouragement from. Even the way he’d slipped his hand across my lower back on the sidewalk outside sent chills through my body.

  And while I desperately wanted to forget about our history and keep pretending we just met, I couldn’t entirely forget about the fact that every time I felt my feelings for him try to be something more, I hit some sort of glass wall that made me want to shut down.

  If I got carried away with him, I wouldn’t have any secret parts of me left. There would be no one on Earth that knew me better than he did, and I hated the idea of giving up what little control I had over my life by oversharing myself with him.

  Plus, what if I shared myself and he didn’t like what he learned, what there was to see? What if the fantasy of hooking up with his best friend was better than the reality?

  And even in the best case scenario, if we fooled around and it was amicable, he’d eventually date someone else and it would be weird, especially for her. He might have to distance himself from me like I’d seen my married friends do with the people they used to hook up with.

  But something had already shifted between us, and I couldn’t help but feel like no matter what happened, our relationship would never be the same. And even if I hadn’t agreed to come on the date, the fact that we’d kissed was enough to set us on a different course.

  And as desperate as I was to know how things were going to end up, I felt like I was playing Mario Kart for the first time, like I could barely see around the next corner, much less the destination.

  “So are you ready for an adventure?” Aiden asked.

  My face dropped. “What?”

  “Are you ready for a culinary adventure?”

  “Oh right,” I said, feeling the tightness in my chest dissipate as I noticed the staff beside the table. “Yeah, I’m ready.” As ready as I’ll ever be. “Bring it on.”

  “The first course is a veal mousse bruschetta,” the waitress said, setting a small plate down in front of us.

  Then the wine guy stepped up. “We’ve paired that with a with a sherry aperitif to bring out the gaminess of the veal, the creaminess of the mozzarella, and the sweetness of the tomatoes.”

  Aiden and I smiled, and the staff nodded and disappeared.

  “Pretty fancy,” I said, eyeing the row of perfectly toasted veal mobiles.

  “And I thought I took food seriously.”

  “Maybe your bloody nachos are the next course.”

  He nodded. “I hope not.”

  “Should I just use my fingers?” I asked, trying to see what the people at nearby tables were doing.

  “Do whatever feels good,” he said.

  “That’s the same advice my roommate gave me before I came on this date.”

  “In that case,” he said, grabbing his stubby wine glass. “I’d like to propose a toast.”

  “Okay,” I said, raising my glass.

  “To doing whatever feels good-”

  I clinked his glass.

  “And to old friends and new beginnings.”

  I kept my eyes on him as I brought the drink to my lips and took a sip. “Whoa, that’s strong,” I said, licking my lips.

  “Yeah, aperitifs often are,” he said. “They’re definitely an acquired taste.”

  “I was expecting wine.”

  “The rest of the courses probably will be,” he said. “Except maybe the last one or two.”

  “What will they be?”

  “Maybe brandy or something to compliment the dessert.”


  He shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

  “I thought brandy was only for gangsters.”

  “Gangsters and little old ladies.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be sloshed if the other drinks are as strong as this one.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll take good advantage- I mean care- of you.”

  I swallowed. “Speaking of taking advantage,” I said, eager to change the subject. “Before you try and pull anything, I want to make sure you know I intend to go Dutch with you on the dinner bill tonight.”

  “That’s not happening.”

  “Why not?”

  “Cause it’s my treat.”

  “But I always go Dutch on the first Tinder date.”

  “That may be the case,” he said. “But this isn’t your first Tinder date. It’s your last.”

  Chapter 4: Aiden

  “So do you always go home with guys after the first date?” I asked, opening my front door for her.

  She smacked my chest playfully. “No.”

  I felt myself glowing inside from her physical attention. She’d kept her hands to herself over dinner, but the brandy seemed like it was starting to take effect.

  “I just feel like I’ve known you forever is all.”

  “I see.” I headed to the kitchen. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Well, I suppose I’ve been mixing drinks all night so…” She rolled her eyes up and pursed her lips. “Can you make a screwdriver?”

  “I sure can.”

  “Hey.” She wagged a finger at me. “Don’t get the wrong idea.”

  I smiled as I put some ice in a glass. I was way past getting the wrong idea. Over dinner, my attraction to her only grew. I always knew she was good humored, but it was fun to see how interested she was in all the different foods. She seemed willing to try anything, and once I got that thought in my head, my mind was a mess of filth.

  As I set the vodka on the counter, I saw Lucy pushing
the balcony door open, letting the humid night air rush into my apartment. I liked how she looked out there on my balcony. I could get used to her being part of the view.

  And for the first time, I wondered what it would be like to not have to say goodbye to her after we hung out, to not have to spend so much time apart. I wondered what it would be like if her easy smile and her generous laugh were just parts of my every day.

  I guess I just couldn’t shake the feeling that her presence made me feel even more at home in my own place.

  I carried our drinks out to the balcony and leaned against the railing. Her eyes were closed, and she was listening to the sound of the city, smiling into the night, looking sexy and inviting as hell.

  “Your drink madam.”

  “Ooh madam. I like that. Thanks,” she said, taking the glass with two hands.

  “So you know I’m a competitive guy at this point-”

  “Uh-huh.” She kept her eyes on me as she took a sip. “Whoa, that’s strong.”

  “I’m trying to get you drunk.”

  “And if you succeed?”

  I smiled. “Then we both win.”

  She looked down, her eyelashes casting shadows over her cheeks, but it was too dark out for me to see if she was blushing.

  “What were you saying about being competitive?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah. I’m dying to know how your date with me compares to others you’ve been on?”

  “You mean other first dates?”


  “This hasn’t been too shabby.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Tough critic.”

  “Let me finish.”

  I took a sip of my drink and set it down on the small glass table by the balcony door.

  “You get bonus points, too.”

  “For what?” I asked.

  She set her glass down beside mine and started counting on her fingers. “Well, you didn’t bring your parents.”


  “You didn’t ask me any inappropriate personal questions.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like whether I want kids or have a history of mental illness or am on the pill.”


  “You’d be surprised how inappropriate some people are.”

  “I guess so.”

  “I am though,” she said.

  “You are what?”

  “Nevermind.” She reached for her drink and took another sip before setting it back down and leaning against the railing. “Let’s see. I also liked that you didn’t check your phone while we were at dinner.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She shrugged. “Some guys will be on Tinder while you’re out with them.”

  “You’re joking.”

  She shook her head. “I’m afraid not. And I’ve even asked around, you know, to see if other girls have had the same experience. So I know it’s not just me-”

  “Of course it’s not you. You’re-”



  She rolled her eyes. “Thanks.”

  “It’s true.”

  “Well, you can be kind of charming when you want to be, too.”

  “Just kind of?”

  She shrugged.

  I took a step closer. “Well, I’m glad you think so. I’ve always thought you bring out the best in me.”

  “Shut up.” She pushed her hand against my chest but didn’t let it drop right away. Instead she just stood there like she was trying to decide whether she wanted to push me away or pull me closer. Finally, she sighed and dropped her arm. “And I know I thanked you for dinner a million times already-”

  “And that was just before we left the restaurant.”

  “But it was a real treat for me to go to a swanky place like that. I mean, I usually think I’m splurging when I get a milkshake with my Potbelly’s Sandwich so getting to try all those new things was exciting.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “I’d never had any of those things before. It was like a whole night of firsts.”

  I slid my hands around her waist and pulled her close. “And the night’s not even over.”

  She looked up at me and I went for it, planting my lips on hers. She kissed me back right away, filling my body with fire as her hips leaned against me.

  I parted her lips with mine, slipping my tongue in her warm mouth, tilting my head so I could kiss her more deeply. A little whimper escaped her mouth and it was another first, the first time I’d ever heard her make a sound like that, and I wanted more of it. I wanted her to moan louder, to hear my name on lips as I made her breathless.

  I let my hands drift down over her ass, squeezing her round cheeks in my palms. I’d never touched her there, not since I pinched her ass once on the playground and she punched me in the stomach. But this time instead of a pinch, I took two handfuls, and she didn’t stop me.

  As her tongue twisted around mine, I felt her slide her fingers into my hair, sending shivers of pleasure down my neck. I curled my fingers around the bottom edge of her dress, scrunching the fabric in my fists until I could slide my hands against her smooth ass.

  The feel of her bare skin made the base of my cock tingle. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a thrill like the one I was having groping my best friend’s perfect butt in the warm summer air. And when I realized the whole city might be watching, I decided I didn’t want to share the faces she was about to make with anyone else.

  I knew then that I had to steal her away to my bedroom, where my tongue might actually have a chance to go as deep as I wanted it to so badly. I reached a hand around the back of one of her thighs and hoisted it up against my leg, lifting her off the ground until she took the hint and wrapped her legs around my waist.

  She slung her arms over my shoulders and took a deep breath as she hugged my neck, her heart beating against mine. I considered closing the balcony door to block out the sounds of the city, but I was in a hurry, and I knew my room was quiet enough that I would still be able to hear every breath she took and every breath I took away.

  When we reached my room, I didn’t turn on the light. I still felt like she was some kind of delicate nocturnal creature, like a sudden movement or a bright light might scare her away. And I was desperate not to interrupt what we’d started.

  I laid her down on the bed where the soft light from my cracked blinds made lines across her body.

  When I straightened back up, I looked at her face.

  But she wasn’t looking at mine.

  She was looking at my cock, which was straining against the zipper of my jeans, starving for her.

  Chapter 5: Lucy

  I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he stood over me, his swollen dick nearly bursting out of his pants. I couldn’t believe his body was having that reaction to me.

  He smiled at me. It was a soft smile, a safe smile. A total contradiction to the imminent danger I felt when I stole another glance at his raging hard on.

  He wrapped his fingers around the edge of his shirt and pulled it over his head. The dim light from the city outside cast shadows in all the right places on his toned chest, and I wanted to touch him, to drag my fingers over the ripples of his skin, to run my hands through the tease of hair on his chest.

  Normally when I went home with guys, I was aggressive. I was the kind of girl that could get a guy’s belt off one handed and without looking, the kind who was always in a hurry, but I didn’t recognize myself in this situation.

  And I didn’t recognize Aiden, who up until now was the most familiar person in the world to me. I was paralyzed with desire as I watched him pull his belt loose. I pursed my lips as he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down around his ankles.

  “Wait,” I heard myself say when he hooked his thumbs in his boxers. “Not yet.” I wasn’t ready. The size of him contained in his boxers was already too much for me. I was afraid I might have a heart attack if he showed himself to me. It woul
d be too real then. I wasn’t ready to have the image of my best friend in all his naked glory burned onto my eyes.

  He nodded and knelt down on the bed beside me. “Give me your hand,” he said.

  I raised it, and he held my wrist, pressing my hand against his swollen dick. I could feel it pulsing through his boxers and when my fingers draped around his girth, I felt a gush in my underwear.

  “That’s what you do to me, Lucy. That’s why I can’t take no for an answer.”

  I swallowed.

  “And now I want to see what I do to you.”

  My eyes went wide.


  I nodded, but where the strength to do it came from was a mystery.

  Aiden lowered himself down over me until he was on his elbows with his strong arms framing my face. Then he kissed me again, and just when I thought he was going to stick his tongue in my mouth, he grabbed my bottom lip in his teeth and pulled it, making my guts clench like a fist.

  I could feel his hardness throbbing between my thighs, making it impossible for me to take anything but the shallowest of breaths. And in an attempt to breathe better, I snuck my hands between us and unhooked my belt.

  But it was no use. Because a second later, I felt his hands slide up my thighs, dragging my dress up my body.

  First I felt the air hit my legs, then my stomach. Then I watched him crane his neck back and feast his eyes on my chest as the thin fabric of my dress gathered under my arms.

  He lowered his head and whispered in my ear. “Are you ready to show me your two best kept secrets?” he asked, sliding his hands under my back.

  “It’s in the front,” I said.

  A smile spread across his face as he shifted his focus, concentrating on the clasp between my breasts. As soon as it came loose, he covered my chest with his hands.

  It felt amazing to have him touch me there, and it frightened me how much I liked it. And that was before he lowered his mouth to my nipple and flicked it with his tongue.

  I little sigh escaped as the heat of his hands and mouth rippled through my body.

  “Fucking perfect,” he said, almost as if he were speaking directly to my breasts before sucking my nipples one after the other, like he was having trouble deciding which one he liked better.


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